Saturday, October 11, 2008

Game Shark Infinite Money Pokemon Emerald

Match 1 November 2008

remember all the BSE that the next match, played in the room at Charlie One, is scheduled for Saturday 1Novebre 2008. You must be at the gates at 14.00, then the meeting shall be at the usual place for 13.00. Given that I have to provide the number of participants this week, so let me know within the next few days if you plan to attend.

Given the number of missing at the last minute, which occurred last time (half the people who had confirmed their presence), I prefer to emphasize my own decisions with this engraved :
ANYONE wants to participate and 'welcome and MUST INFORM CONTACTS fit. I do not call MORE 'NO . ALSO, FOR ANY MONEY DEPOSIT (referring to those who must rent) myself BE DELIVERED WITHIN 10 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE GAME. I have no 'desire to spend SATURDAY MORNING IN POST WHY' you forgot to handing over the money.


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