Thursday, October 14, 2010

How To Change A Casehard Combination Lock

October: month of the rosary and the missions

October is the month of the Rosary and also the missionary month!
As you know we celebrated St. Therese and St. Dominic are the patrons of missions.
It is important to pray for missions, we can not remember the brothers and sisters in mission lands only on the last Sunday of this month!
We pray for our conversion: the Lord increase our faith and pray for those who do not yet know the love of God!
you realize that our planet we are 6 billion and slightly more than 1 billion is a Christian ... then how?!? With such divisions?!?
Friends and friends in recent weeks Mass we heard the Word of God given us by the prophet Amos who said that recreation is over, and eventually the orgy of "good Temponi!
Mission is also our family, our work, our little world.
Jesus taught us that if we sow not with him, we will not collect ... Worse still, disperse!
Lord increase our faith!
When he has no faith - just look around - there is no morality.
There are mothers or fathers who do not see their children to grandparents and what are the consequences?
There are children that are closed in the room, to prevent parents from entering, and what are the consequences?
There are religious who are building their own little universe in their rooms or betray the community with gossips, and what are the consequences?
There are priests and bishops who have their say on the guidelines of the Holy Father, and what are the consequences?
sins are "charged" when all is said and in varitas wine, because when one is a bit 'tipsy says everything he thinks without being able to retain, we can see that even in pain veritas!
Mission ... with primary emphasis on the Lord in our lives, our thoughts, our feelings and our occupations. When we go
somewhere in the car and notice the gas gauge on, now we are concerned with "fill" in order not to remain on foot and if we are on the highway we worry even more because it's dangerous to stay in the emergency lane and because many costs money call the emergency: how we live on Sunday? We fill up? How do we prepare? As we pray? Sunday is the day par excellence of the Lord! We confess?
In other words, and understand: be with the Lord AFTER FIRST EVITA sorrows!
We heard from the Gospel of last Sunday and yesterday that Jesus healed 10 lepers but only one returned to thank him. As we
grateful to the Lord?!?
Jesus help me ... I have a question, I have an operation, are without work, are in depression, are only ...
The Lord helps and always forgives. There is no sin that can not be burned by his mercy, but then ... what of our gratitude ?!?
There was the feast of guardian angels: those of us who have thanked his guardian angel? We
... As soon as the sperm has entered the ovum, God now gives even the Guardian Angel!
thanking and praising God, we get the saving grace! Think of the Psalms, we think of our mother: "My soul magnifies the Lord"! Our life
is in the hands of God are his, then we are Christians of Christ before all else.
Fiorano where God has placed us, and not where we want to transplant!
The Queen of Peace watch over us make us what he wants for the greater glory of God and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.


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