Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Best Break Barrel Air Rifle Scopes

AdSense, Google AdSense tips to increase

Even if you followed the previous advice maximize the number of clicks from visitors to your web site, I doubt that Google AdSense gains are increased considerably. Here is how to further improve the performance of banner ads optimizing positions:

1) the horizontal link units 468x15 or 728x15 to be put up next to the main navigation
2) the 728x90 banner must be positioned up, before or after the logo of the website
3) the vertical link unit instead be placed on the left or right side in the column adjacent to the blogroll or link site recommended by
4) the vertical ads or 120x600 160x600 should be put on the sidebar of the blog
5) also buttons children are more profitable in the sidebar side
6) if you use AdSense for Search (in itself very rewarding, but if you have a lot of space could lead to a few clicks too) place it as high as possible and clearly visible
Board to place AdSense ads "where the eye falls" , at the site immediately visible without scrolling with a sidebars, as well as in most areas and pages visited by users: for that purpose may be used Google Analytics or any Another tool for monitoring your website or blog.


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